Special Reports

  Analyses of Demographic-Specific Funding Rates for Type 1 Research Project Grant and R01-Equivalent Applications FY2022 and prior

  Analyses of Demographic-Specific Funding Rates for Type 1 Research Project Grant and R01-Equivalent Applications FY2023 and prior

  Mentored Career Development Application (K) Funding Rates by Race-Ethnicity FY2010-FY2022

  Mentored Career Development Application (K) Funding Rates by Race-Ethnicity FY2010-FY2023

  Research Grant Investigators by Mechanism, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Disability Status, FY2016-FY2020

  Inclusion Across the Lifespan Workshop II Summary, September 2020

  Inclusion Across the Lifespan Workshop Summary, June 2017

Report on NIH Funding and WHO Global Burden of Disease

  NIH Pediatrics Research Report FYs 2021 and 2022

  National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences: 2012–2013 Report

Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Clinical Research

  Consideration of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Individuals

ACD Biomedical Workforce Working Group Data

  Diversity in Academic Biomedicine: An Evaluation of Education and Career Outcomes with Implications for Policy

  Building a Diverse Workforce of Physician Scientists: Applications for Research Funding Are the Crucial First Step

  The Challenge of Achieving Diversity in the NIH-Funded Biomedical Workforce Dr. Raynard S. Kington

An Assessment of the Small Business Innovation Research Program at the National Institutes of Health

  Progress Reports and the Enumeration of Researchers Supported by NIH

  NIH Workforce Discussions September, 2007

The National Academies Collection: Reports funded by National Institutes of Health 

These reports show the amount spent by various Federal Agencies (including NIH) on Health R&D

  By Federal Agency

  By Performer

  Performer Allocation Ratios

A compilation of the data, reports, and analyses on NIH extramural programs, archived from a variety of NIH sources.

 October 31, 2023  Trends in NIH-Supported Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research: FYs 2009-2022       Source data

  August 31, 2017  Data On Trends According to Career Stage        Source data

  February 17, 2017  Resubmissions Revisited: Funded Resubmission Applications and Their Initial Peer Review Scores        Source data

  November 28, 2016  How Many Researchers Were Supported by NIH as Trainees?        Source data

  November 4, 2016  R01 and R21 Applications & Awards: Trends and Relationships Across NIH        Source data

  August 24, 2016  Model Organisms, Part 3: A Look at All RPGs for Six Models        Source data

  August 3, 2016  A Look at NIH Support for Model Organisms, Part Two        Source data

  July 14, 2016  A Look at Trends in NIH’s Model Organism Research Support        Source data

  June 24, 2016  Outcomes for R01 'Virtual A2s'        Source data

  June 14, 2016  How Many Researchers are Seeking SBIR/STTR Funding?        Source data

  May 31, 2016  How Many Researchers?        Source data

  May 26, 2016  Grant Renewal Success Rates: Then and Now        Source data

  April 29, 2016  Citations Per Dollar as a Measure of Productivity        Source data

  March 2, 2016  Publication Impact of NIH-funded Research – a First Look        Source data

  February 16, 2016  Are Attempts at Renewal Successful?        Source data

  November 30, 2015  Update on the Postdoctoral Benefit Survey        Source data

  July 30, 2015  Understanding the Capacity of NIH’s Peer Review System        Source data

  June 29, 2015  What are the Chances of Getting Funded?        Source data

  March 25, 2015  More data on age and the workforce        Source data

  October 28, 2014  Retention Rates for First-Time R01 Awardees        Source data

  July 11, 2014  How Do Multi-PI Applications Fare?        Source data

  July 1, 2014  More on the Physician-Scientist Workforce        Source data

  April 29, 2014  A Look at Programs Targeting New Scientists        Source data

  March 5, 2014  Comparing Success Rates, Award Rates, and Funding Rates        Source data

  November 7, 2013  How Long is an R01?        Source data

  May 16, 2013  More Information On The K99/R00 Awards        Source data

  April 26, 2013  More on More Applicants        Source data

  March 22, 2013  More Applications… But How Many Research Institutions?        Source data

  February 1, 2013  Does Your Academic Training Destine Your Choice of Research Subject?        Source data

  November 28, 2012  The A2 Resubmission Policy Continues: A Closer Look at Recent Data        Source data

  August 9, 2012  More Applications; Many More Applicants        Source data

  July 26, 2012  Diversity—Looking at Different Fields of Science

  June 29, 2012  Postdoctoral Researchers—Facts, Trends, and Gaps

  June 27, 2012  What We’ve Learned About Graduate Students

  June 22, 2012  So, What Does the Biomedical Research Workforce Look Like?

  May 25, 2012  A Look at Funding Rates of PhDs at Different Institution Types

  May 14, 2012  Does Your Institution Matter?

  April 27, 2012  Does Your Degree Matter?