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Institutions: Please review your information and request updates by October 3
Awards by Location All information shown on this page is drawn from files that were frozen at the end of the fiscal year. This page also may include hyperlinks to the most recent project information in the RePORTER database, which contains up-to-date project information.  As a result, there may be some differences between the information shown on this page and the information found in RePORTER.

NIH Awards by Location & Organization
Explore year-by-year NIH funding by institution, state, congressional district, and more!

R & D Contracts data for FY 2013
 finalized and added on 1/15/2014

  Format: RFA-IC-09-003 or PA-09-003
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Note: Although this list can be sorted by the amount of funding each organization receives, these data should not be interpreted as a ranking of institutions by NIH. NIH's use of multiple principal investigator awards makes calculations of the total funding received by individual departments impractical and there are multiple ways in which the funding data can be aggregated across universities' schools and departments that can alter the ordering of institutions.

Prior to 2011, NIH reported the dollar amount of administrative supplements but, because they are supplements to existing projects, did not count these supplements as "awards". As a result, every year there may have been a small number of organizations that received NIH funding but appear in this table as having "0" (zero) awards.

These data do not include projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. For a list of those projects, please visit

For consistency in reporting on past fiscal years, this site uses frozen information for past fiscal years, and this may differ from current information displayed on RePORTER. Upon completion of each fiscal year, research and development contract records are integrated with frozen grant records and posted in December. Institutions may review their grant records and request updates.

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Organization City State Country Awards Funding
No organizations found.

awards summary for Fiscal Year 2013

Dollar Amount Awards
Total $0 0
IC Awards Funding
No ICs found.
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0 PIs found Page 1 of 1
PI Name Arrow Awards Funding
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Page 1 of 1
Location Awards Funding
Total 0 $0

Funding Mechanism Awards Funding Year
No projects found.

0 projects found Page 1 of 1
Project Number asc_arrow Project Organization Admin IC Direct Cost Indirect Cost Funding